PCB Gerber File Checklist
1-Layer PCB Checklist for Gerber Submission (RS-274-X Format Recommend)
Please make sure:
No layers are mirrored; If the PCB need to be V-scored, the clearance to the edge PCB must be 1/4 of the PCB thickness. For example, if the board is 1.6 mm thickness, the clearance must be at least 0.4 mm. If the PCB need not V-scored, it means need to be routed (CNC), the clearance must be at least 0.25 mm. If your files are RS-274-D Gerber format, then please include the aperture file.
- Drill file in Excellon Format (Plated and un-plated 2 drill files are the best)
- Copper Layer Gerber File
- Soldermask Gerber File (optional)
- Silkscreen Gerber File (optional)
- Board Outline & Milling Layer Gerber File (All cutout and milling is under this single Gerber layer)
- Readme.txt (optional, recommended)
Please make sure:
No layers are mirrored; If the PCB need to be V-scored, the clearance to the edge PCB must be 1/4 of the PCB thickness. For example, if the board is 1.6 mm thickness, the clearance must be at least 0.4 mm. If the PCB need not V-scored, it means need to be routed (CNC), the clearance must be at least 0.25 mm. If your files are RS-274-D Gerber format, then please include the aperture file.
2-Layers PCB Checklist for Gerber Submission (RS-274-X Format Recommend)
Please make sure:
No layers are mirrored; If the PCB need to be V-scored, the clearance to the edge PCB must be 1/4 of the PCB thickness. For example, if the board is 1.6 mm thickness, the clearance must be at least 0.4 mm. If the PCB need not V-scored, it means need to be routed (CNC), the clearance must be at least 0.25 mm. If your files are RS-274-D Gerber format, then please include the aperture file.
- Drill file in Excellon Format (Plated and un-plated 2 drill files are the best)
- Top Silkscreen Layer (optional)
- Top Soldermask Layer (optional)
- Top Copper Layer Gerber File
- Bottom Copper Layer Gerber File
- Bottom Soldermask (optional)
- Bottom Silkscreen (optional)
- Board Outline & Milling Layer Gerber File (All cutout and milling is under this single Gerber layer)
- Readme.txt (optional, recommended)
Please make sure:
No layers are mirrored; If the PCB need to be V-scored, the clearance to the edge PCB must be 1/4 of the PCB thickness. For example, if the board is 1.6 mm thickness, the clearance must be at least 0.4 mm. If the PCB need not V-scored, it means need to be routed (CNC), the clearance must be at least 0.25 mm. If your files are RS-274-D Gerber format, then please include the aperture file.
Multi-Layer PCB Checklist for Gerber Submission (RS-274-X Format Recommend)
Please make sure:
No layers are mirrored; If the PCB need to be V-scored, the clearance to the edge PCB must be 1/4 of the PCB thickness. For example, if the board is 1.6 mm thickness, the clearance must be at least 0.4 mm. If the PCB need not V-scored, it means need to be routed (CNC), the clearance must be at least 0.25 mm. If your files are RS-274-D Gerber format, then please include the aperture file.
- Drill file in Excellon Format (Plated and un-plated 2 drill files are the best)
- Top Silkscreen Layer Gerber File (optional)
- Top Soldermask Layer Gerber File (optional)
- Top Copper Layer Gerber File
- Internal Layer Gerber Files
- Bottom Copper Layer Gerber File
- Bottom Soldermask Gerber File (optional)
- Bottom Silkscreen Gerber File (optional)
- Board Outline & Milling Layer Gerber File (All cutout and milling is under this single Gerber layer)
- Layers Stack up (Layers.txt)
- Readme.txt (optional, recommended)
Please make sure:
No layers are mirrored; If the PCB need to be V-scored, the clearance to the edge PCB must be 1/4 of the PCB thickness. For example, if the board is 1.6 mm thickness, the clearance must be at least 0.4 mm. If the PCB need not V-scored, it means need to be routed (CNC), the clearance must be at least 0.25 mm. If your files are RS-274-D Gerber format, then please include the aperture file.